Tuesday, December 27, 2016

3 Main Principles Of Responsive Web Design

Web design has always been the essence of any successful marketing campaign. Whether it is the landing page of your website or a multi-product e-commerce store, it is the design that counts. Responsive web design (RWD) companies in Tampa, Florida are, therefore, embracing the latest trends and making every effort to stay ahead of their competitors. They are giving their best shot to improve user experience and help clients get more business through good design. Your website should be viewable on all devices such as desktops, laptops, smartphones, and tablets. No matter how high your site ranks in the search engine results pages (SERPs) or how much marketing dollars you spend, poor design will never convert. So, what does it take to create an RWD that converts? Here are three basic principles of RWD that you must follow:

1. Smooth Navigation

Your mobile visitors must easily find the information they are looking for, and this is possible when your website has super-easy navigation elements like menus, bars, and buttons. You need to understand how navigational elements differ from one device to the other. Smartphone screens are getting bigger with time, and therefore the touch screens of these phones require smooth website navigation for enhanced browsing experience. The same rule applies to a computer and a tablet.

2. The Design Flow

With a smaller device screen, your site’s content will fill more vertical space and anything below goes down. This is known as the flow. It may be a little difficult to understand initially, especially if you are familiar with points and pixels. However, it will start to make sense once you get the hang of it.

3. Min and Max Values

If the content fills the entire width of a mobile screen or tablet, it looks great. However, if the same content takes up the whole width of your laptop screen, it will neither look right nor make sense. This is where the importance of min and max values comes into play.

Be it a small business in Tampa, Florida or a big corporation that operates worldwide, embracing responsive web design should be the mantra if a company wants to enjoy improved conversions. Make your website more adaptive to device screens and design it to enhance user experience.

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