Thursday, March 24, 2016

Top 4 Reasons Why Small To Mid Level Companies Should Go for VCIO Services

If you start counting down your small to mid size company expenses, the list might roll out of the doorway, especially with experts like CIOs drawing $150,000$ to $250,000 a year. But, you need these services to stand out in this crowded online trading arcade, right? Of course! But do you really need the CIOs? If the possibility of an alternative to this situation interests you, then let us suggest you the VCIO services. Basically, it means a Virtual CIO, a phenomena that is creating a lot of buzz among the IT service providers in Tampa, Orlando and other parts of the US. But the million dollar question is, can it help your small or mid size business like a CIO does? Well, let us explore what it offers to get that answer.
What is A VCIO?

Virtual chief information officer services are designed to offer you the same functions and solutions that you expect from a conventional CIO, but without costing a fortune. As the technology changes, so does the demand cycle. Therefore, now small and mid level companies are in the spotlight to either distinguish themselves or die out losing exposure and attention. But, paying for quality solutions of CIO professionals drains their revenue and limits their progress. VCIO services work under the banner of MSP and it has proven to be efficient in shouldering all the responsibilities without piling up the charges. Now that we know what VCIO is, let us check what they offer.
Strategic Planning
Obviously, your run-of-the-mill CIO also takes care of that. But, by selecting VCIO services, you are actually getting a whole team of professionals by your side. Your business strategy would be segregated and designed by different professionals to ultimately fit together as the 'big picture' you are looking forward to see. Surely, you understand the benefit of having more than one head thinking about your business benefits through strategy development. And trust us, it is the only way to make sure that the plan comes together.
Transparency and Control
VCIO services follow strict report sharing protocols with clients for complete transparency in process. So, actually you get to have full control over business ideas and technology choices for your company.
Raised Security Standards
Having not just one or two, but a whole team of professionals taking care of your technology requirements translates into high security facilities. Your sensitive business information and important client data will not be breached when VCIO solutions are improving your technology standards and usage strategies.
Affordable Solutions
One of the best features of the virtual CIO services is its feasibility. With these services backing your company, you can forget about bleeding money to pay a CIO's salary. That money would be better spent on new ventures for quick and continued growth of your company.
So, take another look at your monthly expenses and select a VCIO IT services in Tampa, Orlando or in any other place for a quick business turnaround. Getting quality solutions for your small or mid-sized company is easy now. All you have to do is to make the right decision.

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