Friday, July 7, 2017

How to Make Your Web Designs Code-Ready

Though web designers and programmers have few things in common, seamless communication and uninterrupted workflow can translate an average app development project into a successful one. To take their online projects to the next level, small and medium-sized businesses in the USare looking for custom development. Florida, for example, like many other technologically advanced states, has a bright future when it comes to fully coded web apps or websites. Therefore, if you are seeking first-rate web application development, Florida is the place to be. Here are a few tips to make your designs code-ready:

Include Comments

There are design aspects that are not obvious for coders. For instance, if you are creating a navigation menu that will glide down when a user moves the mouse to the top section of the screen, leave a comment. The best way to do it is by using the Note Tool in Photoshop, which will make comments appear whenever a programmer opens the particular file. It also offers easy readability and helps coders understand what a designer wants to do.

Provide Design Details

To ensure that a programmer employs your design to the minute details, make sure you provide the coder with specific design details. You must specify things like margins and padding, colors, style, font, and more. With more information provided, the chances of revisions are reduced to a considerable extent. It will help you deliver the project on time without spending too much.

Talk to the Programmer

Communicate with the coder regularly to ensure that s(he) has all the necessary information to translate the design into codes. A professional coder will appreciate your communication efforts to ensure a smooth project delivery.

To take your project to the next level, collaborate with a web application development company in Florida. Make your web designs code-ready for developers to build a powerful and functional site. It will make coding easy, cost-effective, and improve your web app’s performance to give you a competitive edge over others.

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